Inaugural lecture 2024-2025

Programme for the opening ceremony for the academic year 2024/2025

  • Words of welcome from the Chair of the FUOC Board of Trustees, Pere Vallès
  • Introduction to the inaugural lecture from Adam Martín, journalist and UOC graduate
  • Conversation between Eulàlia Hernández and Salvador Macip: Educating the future
  • Musical interlude: Texis, Edurne Arizu
  • Presentation of the Jaume Vicens Vives awards for university teaching quality and the M. Encarna Sanahuja Yll mentions for excellence in the inclusion of the gender perspective in university teaching practice
  • Speech by the Rector of the UOC, Àngels Fitó
  • Closing words from the President of the Government of Catalonia, Salvador Illa
  • Gaudeamus igitur