Graduation ceremonies


23th November

All graduates from the 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 graduating classes.

Auditori Fòrum.

Enrollment will be opened in october.


14th November

All graduates from the 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 graduating classes.

Estación Gran Teatro Caixabank Príncipe Pío.

Enrollment will be opened in october.

A few words from the UOC President

Congratulations to all the new graduates!

I'd like to congratulate you on behalf of the UOC's governing team, and the teaching and administrative staff for having achieved such an important personal milestone as successfully completing your studies. 
You placed your trust in us as you looked to progress in terms of both your personal and professional life. Today, now that you have successfully dealt with the challenges we set you, I can proudly say that you have the knowledge and skills needed to advance in a complex and constantly changing world.
Thank you for this trust and for having once again shown us how, with dedication and effort, it is possible to progress while combining learning with the rest of your commitments. It has been a privilege to accompany you on this journey.
I look forward to celebrating it together at the upcoming graduation ceremonies that we plan to hold in Barcelona and Madrid in November 2024. They're an excellent way to recognize your hard work, and allow us to get together and share the success of your graduation with tutors, course instructors and everyone from the UOC who has been with you over these years.
We will send you a message with more details and the link to register nearer the time.
I'd also like to take this chance to encourage you to keep in close contact with us through UOC Alumni, the network of people who not only share an interest in technology and the fact that they have studied with us, but who also want to support and drive development of the whole community both personally and professionally.​
Congratulations on your achievement!
I look forward to seeing you soon,

Àngels Fitó, UOC President